Thursday, June 24, 2010

Too Much Planted? A Checklist

So how do you know when you have too much planted, too much crammed in or too much work ahead of yourself?  There are some telltale signs, so I prepared a little checklist to help out you guys!

  1. When you can't use your garden bench, because your plants are too crammed together, resulting in sore legs and a sore back rivaling any ditch-digging endeavor.
  2. When you lose your footing and fall, crushing not just one, but several tomato plants and you're relieved instead of upset.
  3. Number two also applies to accidentally pulling off an entire stem or even pulling an entire plant out of the ground when picking beans.
  4. When you let the bugs have it, and by have it, I mean the plant they're munching.
  5. When you've run out of people to give produce to, filled your freezer and still find yourself eating the same thing for lunch and dinner everyday.
  6. When stuff goes bad in the refrigerator and you shrug it off  instead of shaking your fist.
  7. When you give stuff to people you don't like.
  8. When you'd rather clean out your closet than pick veggies.
  9. When you get heat stroke because it takes so long to pick everything.

And the number 10 (ok, it's backwards, but blogger won't do it David Letterman style) way you know you've planted too much?

When you skip one day and still get this much:

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